
    Bannon Maher Corporation seeks to provide the world with clean energy that is ten times less expensive than any prior or proposed alternative, produced through the novel applications of various principles of physics (buoyancy, leverage, gravity, magnetic repulsion) to substantially commodity components. According to a review by the United States National Science Foundation, "If the proposed [inventions] function the way it is claimed, it will have a profound impact across the whole energy industry, and physics in general."

    The computer generated models are simplified to allow some level of understanding, but lack critical details and components. Validating the inventions requires reading and understanding the complex detailed technical specifications in the patents.

    All delays in production of these critically important population and planet saving systems are solely a result of a lack of adequate financial support.

slide deck (pdf, slideshare)
book (electronic, printed)
founder curriculum vitae and recommendations
external invention assessments (1, 2, 3)
patents (Buoyancy Generator, Leverage Generator, Gravity Generator, Magnetic Repulsion Generator, preliminary written opinion responses)
order form
order letter of intent template
endorsement template
manufacturing request for quote
images (Buoyancy Generator, Leverage Generator, Gravity Generator, Magnetic Repulsion Generator and aesthetic prototype 1 2 3 4)

Bannon Maher Corporation